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Places you should consider visiting during your student vacation



Students need a break too

Much like any other working individual, students need a break too. Contrary to every Hollywood movie you have ever watched, college is not all fun and games and when all is said and done, many students need to destress. While a vacation may seem out of reach for a student’s pocket that is not to say that there are no destinations that students could visit. With a solid plan and a few extra bucks, students can enjoy an amazing vacation at the following destinations:


Nice picNice, France

With breathtaking views, warm waters and world class cuisine, Nice is a favourite for the rich and famous. Despite this glamorous reputation, it can accommodate the humble student, with flights and accommodation costing as little as $500. Nice offers a favourable climate that is perfect for art lovers looking to wander in the streets all day, buying souvenirs or just admiring the local talent. Cours Saleya gives you access to a daily market for buying flowers. With a name like Nice, it is definitely a paradise worth sacrificing a few beers and junk food to save up for.

Berlin, Germany

In addition to being the home of the 2014 FIFA Soccer World Cup winners, Germany offers a diverse city in Berlin that caters to many different cultural tastes. With a reputation for being a friendly city where people value respect, it is no wonder that Berlin is such a popular destination for many students. It offers amazing food, music, art and history that is sure to satisfy even the pickiest of characters. Be sure to visit the Neukolln for a dose culture and history.

Stockholm PicStockholm, Sweden

With a simple start up package of few hundred dollars, you can travel to Sweden to enjoy fun days of shopping, sight-seeing and other fun adventures. From the Vasa Museum to the Grona Lund amusement park, you will never be short of entertainment when you visit Stockholm. Of course, as with any other vacation, it is a must to try some of the local cuisine and Stockholm does not disappoint, with many classy restaurants that offer a wide array of Sweden’s finest from Semla to cinnamon rolls.


Ibiza has built up quite the R-rated reputation and if you are living on your parents’ income, you might not have an easy time getting them to fund a trip to Ibiza. Nonetheless, if you do get a chance to visit Ibiza, then you are in for quite the treat, with parties, clubs and fun galore. If you are more of a calm, culture driven spirit, then fear not as Ibiza’s streets offer some stunning Goth-Catalan architectural views that you can immerse yourself in.

Venice PicVenice, Italy

Much like Nice, Venice is favoured by many rich people but again, it caters to simple students as well. Famous for its romantic atmosphere, canals and world famous art, Venice is perfect for young couples looking to enjoy some quality time together. Of course, you have not been to Venice if you haven’t taken a tour in the Grand Canal on a gondola or tried some freshly made pasta in one of the many restaurants that line the streets of Venice.


Final word

There are plenty of other spots to visit while on your vacation and many of them are budget friendly enough for you to enjoy yourself without ever having to worry about being cash strapped. Just remember to be responsible and especially if you venture to foreign lands, be respectful of other people’s cultures and beliefs.

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